Pororo is the main character of the show. He is a small, very cute blue penguin who loves to have adventures with his friends. He is kind, helpful, and always looks out for others. Being flightless as all penguins are, Pororo dreams of being a pilot and wears an aviator cap and scarf.
Crong is Pororo’s best friend. He is a small green dinosaur who loves to play and have adventures. He is always up for anything and loves to try new things. Crong is also very brave and will always stand up for his friends. Pororo and Crong are roommates and share a pine treehouse together.
Eddy is an intelligent and crafty orange fox. He is the inventor of the group and loves to build things. He is also a bit of a teacher and often helps Pororo and his friends learn new things. Eddy is always up for an adventure, and he loves to play the xylophone.
Loopy is a pink beaver who is sensitive and shy but is kind, sweet, and generous. She is a great chef and loves baking goodies for her friends. Loopy lives in a hollowed-out log and showcases her hospitality by inviting the group over for fun and festivities.
Poby is a big, friendly polar bear. He is the gentle giant of the group and is also the oldest. Poby enjoys photography and fishing, and he loves to play the drums! He is also very helpful and will always lend a hand (or paw) when needed.
Tong-Tong is an orange dragon that lives in a volcano. Unlike the other members of the group, Tong-Tong has magical powers that come about from chanting his own name. When he gets scared or nervous, he rolls up into a ball for defense. Often, his magic gets the group in trouble, but together, they always find a way to fix the problem!
Petty is a little blue penguin just like Pororo, and she is a bit of a tomboy. While she is bad at cooking, she loves to play sports and is very competitive. Petty lives in a cabin, she’s afraid of spiders, and she shows off her style with a purple winter dress and matching hat!
Two jellyfish-like twins aliens that often hover together. Popo is blue and Pipi is purple. They live in a big flying saucer.
A playful red supercar who can drive the friends around the village. When he gets no fuel, he stays in the sun to get more fuel.